The Facts About Chronic Dry Mouth

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As you probably know, there are several things you should do if you’d like to enjoy a healthy smile? Would you be surprised to learn that brushing and flossing your teeth might actually help you prevent tooth decay and gum disease? Other problems, including dry mouth, might also leave you more susceptible to these issues…. Read more »

Make Your Smile Beautiful

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Cosmetic dentistry can make your smile beautiful. Even if you have suffered an oral accident or neglected your oral health care, it is possible to get a smile that once again you can proudly display to others. Our dentist Dr. Abadi have been professionally trained to bring you the highest quality services in the industry…. Read more »

Five Foods and Drinks Known to Stain Teeth

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Five Foods and Drinks Known to Stain Teeth There’s nothing quite like a set of nice pearly whites; and when you’re someone who possesses such a gift, you will probably do whatever is possible to protect it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of foods and beverages out there that have been known to stain or… Read more »

Manual Toothbrushes vs Electric: Which Is Superior?

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You may not believe the final verdict. Keeping a clean mouth is something every individual should strive to do. Not only is it good for your overall health, but—quite frankly—nobody is going to want to talk to you if your breath smells like a cesspool. Moreover, you’re inviting an army of germs into your body… Read more »

Dental Cleanings That’ll Leave You Feeling Great!

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Maintain that healthy, brilliant smile and keep feeling your best. Keeping up with oral hygiene is an endeavor every individual, regardless of age, should pursue in order to maintain a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums for as long as possible. Good oral and dental hygiene are paramount if you want to stand a chance in… Read more »

How to Protect Your Smile from Enamel Erosion

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Do you know what tooth enamel is? It is the outermost hard layer of your teeth, made from compacted crystals. It’s like a powerful shield for your teeth. Enamel erosion can be very damaging to your oral health. Just imagine what would happen if you took the armor away from soldiers in a battlefield. This… Read more »

Getting Dentures? Take This Quiz

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If you’re prepping for dentures, you may have some things to learn. Take this fun quiz to find out what you know and even learn more. The answers are at the bottom so that you can check your work – but take the quiz first! 1. If you are only missing a few natural teeth,… Read more »