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If you’re prepping for dentures, you may have some things to learn. Take this fun quiz to find out what you know and even learn more. The answers are at the bottom so that you can check your work – but take the quiz first!
1. If you are only missing a few natural teeth, what kind of dentures do you need?
a. Complete
b. Partial
c. Veneers
d. Cornflake

2. How do you care for your dentures and your mouth?
a. Soak them in a denture solution overnight
b. Brush your dentures after meals
c. Brush your tongue, gums, the roof of your mouth, and any natural teeth at least twice a day
d. All of the above

3. What are the benefits of dentures?
a. They fill out the look of your face and beautify your smile.
b. Dentures don’t have the malfunctions of natural teeth (i.e. cavities, infected pulp, yellowing tooth enamel, etc.)
c. If you’ve lost your natural teeth, dentures make eating and speaking much more undemanding.
d. All of the above

4. What can you do if your gums are a little sore for the first few weeks?
a. Call your dentist for an adjustment or advice
b. Apply denture adhesive and/or Oragel
c. Throw your dentures away
d. a. & b., but not c.
Answers: 1. b. 2. d. 3. d. 4. d.
If you have more questions about dentures or would like to get started, give Behzad Abadi DMD in Encino, California a ring for an appointment with Dr. Behzad Abadi. We’re here to serve.