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With the risk of causing damage to the mouth, jaw, and teeth, it’s important to stop your child’s thumb sucking habits by the time they turn 4 years old. This is vital to prevent damage to the permanent teeth. Dr. Behzad Abadi and his associates want to give you some tips to help prevent this damage and stop your child’s thumb sucking.

Providing them a pacifier when they’re an infant will help the transition from comfort to coping on their own. This is better than thumb sucking because you can take the pacifier away. When your child gets older, give words of encouragement and ways to stop thumb sucking.

Cover their thumb or hand with cloth/bandages or a substance prescribed by their dentist as a harsher approach stop this bad habit. Your dentist may suggest using a mouth appliance as a last resort if your child’s thumb sucking aggressively continues.

This acceptable habit while young can cause very small damage to the primary teeth by the time they reach 4 years old. It’s a comfort or coping mechanism if something is giving them anxiety. You and our staff can look for other options to ease their worries. Give our office in Encino, California, a call at 818-990-5900 to schedule an appointment or get a consultation today. Behzad Abadi DMD works hard to provide the best care for you and your child.