As you probably know, there are several things you should do if you’d like to enjoy a healthy smile? Would you be surprised to learn that brushing and flossing your teeth might actually help you prevent tooth decay and gum disease? Other problems, including dry mouth, might also leave you more susceptible to these issues.
If you’re dealing with dry mouth, you won’t produce as much saliva as you should. There are several issues that could lead to dry mouth, such as certain medications. Nerve damage can also lead to dry mouth. Aside from noticing a dry feeling in your mouth, you could also identify a few other symptoms, such as a sticky feeling, a dry tongue, or strange sores in your mouth. If you notice any of these symptoms, we suggest contacting our team or your doctor as soon as you can. If your dry mouth is actually caused by medications, your doctor can adjust your medications. We can also give you personalized advice.
If you’d like to learn more about treating dry mouth in Encino, California, we invite you to give My Encino Dental a call at 818-990-5900. Our dentist, Dr. Behzad Abadi, and our team will gladly inspect your teeth and help you cope with ay issues we spot. We’re eager to hear from you!